Periodontics focuses on treating oral conditions that are related to the tissues that surround your teeth. Periodontics looks into gum recessions, bone loss, and gum diseases.
Our Periodontists are trained to perform various periodontal treatment which includes root planning, gum maintenance, scaling and other surgeries. Your dental health can be affected a lot when it comes to periodontal diseases which can cause alveolar bone destruction and attachment loss.
Our Services in Periodontics Include:
Scaling and Root Planing
Host Modulation Therapy & Chemotherapeutics
Gingival Flap and Debridement
Free Gingival Grafts
Osseous Surgery & Regeneration of Bony Defects
Connective Tissue Graft for Root Coverage
Crown Elongation
Treatment of Peri-Implantitis
Guided Bone Regeneration