Mixed Dentition in Kids
Mixed Dentition is a combination of both primary and permanent teeth which usually happens between 6-12 years of age. This stage is often associated with significant orthodontic challenges, as there may be insufficient space for the eruption of permanent teeth. A mixture of both baby teeth and adult teeth, In a child, is called a mixed dentition.
During mixed dentition, children will experience a gradual process of losing their primary teeth and having their permanent teeth grow in their place. This process can take several years to complete, and it is important for children to receive regular dental check-ups during this time to ensure their teeth are developing properly.
- The child has to be very careful during the dentition period. Adult teeth may erupt behind a loose baby tooth – often called a “Shark Tooth” because there are 2 rows of teeth. They may feel discomfort because of erupting New teeth or Molars. During this time taking care of oral hygiene is very important.
- Brushing twice in the morning and before sleeping at night. Use lukewarm water and salt to Mouthwash/Floss so that the germs will go. Go for a regular checkup and follow what the doctor suggests.
- When primary teeth fall out, the permanent teeth will gradually erupt into the space left behind. This process typically starts with the eruption of the first permanent molars, which usually occurs around the age of 6. Over time, the other permanent teeth will also erupt, replacing the primary teeth.

Why does Mixed Dentition Occur?
What age do Kids get Mixed Dentition?
How should we take care of the Mixed Dentition period?
Will Mixed Dentition be difficult for a child?
Mixed Dentition Refers to the stage in a child’s development when they have a combination of Primary ( baby teeth ) and Permanent teeth. It happens between the age of 6 and 12 years.
During this stage, the primary teeth begin to loosen and fall out, making way for the permanent teeth to come in. Usually, the last permanent teeth to erupt are the third molars (wisdom teeth), which usually come in between the ages of 17 and 25.
It is very important to Take good care in the mixed dentition stage. Taking care of Oral Hygiene is very important daily brushing Twice and floss are mandatory for a child and maintaining a proper diet is also needed. Regular checkups will make the process easier and smooth.